Our herbal broth mix has a huge variety of herbs, roots, spices and mushrooms for full body vitality and immune support.
There are a ton of ways to incorporate our herbal broth into meals, but here is a quick and easy favorite!
Brown Rice with Herbal Broth and Shiitakes
Steep 4TBS broth in one quart boiling water for 30 minutes
Strain broth out and add 2 cups dry brown rice with brewed broth in a pot
Put on high heat until boiling then turn down until cooked (40+/- minutes)
While the rice is cooking cut up fresh shiitake mushrooms into small slices and lay out on a cookie sheet. Drizzle with oil, salt and garlic and put in the oven for 20-40 minutes on 350 degrees until crispy.
After rice and shiitakes are done cooking, combine and add salt and spices to taste. Enjoy!